Blog Posts

November 24, 2022

Celebrating Student Leadership

I had the pleasure this week of meeting with around fifty of Yale Secondary’s Leadership 12 students. They are an amazing and diverse group of go-getters who help to make their school and community better through service. In addition to the work they do, they are also curious about leadership and routinely invite leaders from various parts of the community to talk about their roles and perspectives on leadership. This week I was the invited guest. Among the things they wanted to learn more about were my background, how I became superintendent, as well as the joys and challenges of the job.

November 8, 2022

In Remembrance

Many of you will know that I am a student of the World Wars, and that over the years I have written about the profound respect I have for our veterans who have put their lives on the line for the cause of freedom. As a teacher I carefully curated stories for my students about pivotal battles and Canadian heroes who helped to pave the way for the freedoms we sometimes take for granted. It was always a treat to welcome veterans into my classroom, and students always came away with a greater appreciation for the courageous lives of our service men and women, as well as the horrors of war.

October 14, 2022

Going Home

Harlem arrived at my school in September 2021 with a G4 file as thick as my fist. It stated that he had been in foster care for 11 years, rarely attended school, and could become violent if he became frustrated. He had been in foster care since birth and had been mainly homeschooled by his foster parents who did not value public school or his culture. When I first met him, it became apparent that we were not dealing with a violent or mean child but a soft-spoken, gentle, and curious boy.

October 14, 2022

Shadow a Student

As part of my personal inquiry into the student experience in our district, I have met with groups of students from each of our high schools over each of the last few years. Generally, I have asked our school leaders to ensure that the student group is diverse and represents a range in ages, gender, abilities, race and gender identities, etc. In a large high school, it is not difficult to get a diverse group, but I suspect it challenging to get a truly representative group of students who together can paint a fulsome picture of the student experience for me and the administration

September 28, 2022

October Updates

Hello McMillan Families,

September is coming to a close, and what a month it was! So many fun events and opportunities to connect with both old and new friends! Thank you so much for all your support, as students settled into new routines. We also appreciated all the support from families around our cancer fundraisers. Between the popcorn sale, and the Toonies for Terry drive, we collected more than $1700 to donate to cancer research. The generosity of our community is overwhelming! Please see some photos from the day below.

September 22, 2022

Irene Kelleher: Our New House of Learning

Irene Kelleher was born in Matsqui on December 16, 1901. Irene’s parents attended Saint Mary’s and Saint Anne’s Residential School in Mission. Raised in the Fraser Valley and eventually returning to the area later in life, Irene was a vital contributor to public education in British Columbia and a respected community leader.

September 9, 2022

September Updates

Hello McMillan Families,

Students are now settling into their new classrooms and there is lots of energy and plenty of smiles throughout the building. We are learning that change can be tricky, but fun, and that good things can happen when we take a chance and do something we might not have thought of before. We are also having so much fun reconnecting with old friends, as well as making new ones. Everyone has grown so much over the summer, and we are looking forward to a very successful year!

September 1, 2022

My Hopes for This School Year

Now in my thirty-fifth year as an educator, I still look forward to the beginning of the school year with anticipation. It still feels like yesterday, but three and a half decades ago, I started my career in Peace River South School District as a grade 6/7 teacher in Devereaux Elementary School. I remember when I first saw the ad for the position, going to a map to see where the heck this place was. The principal, Mr. Evans, interviewed me over the phone and offered me the job shortly thereafter.

June 30, 2022

Drama and Music to Support Developing Literacy Skills

McMillan Elementary School has a long history of high achievement in reading. Our primary teachers are all skilled in reading instruction, using a variety of best practice strategies such as Guided Reading, Daily 5 and CAFÉ to reach readers where they are at and build reading skills. Nevertheless, we continue to encounter students who struggle, and it is these students that push us to try new things in our quest to help all students become successful readers.

June 30, 2022

In Recognition of Our Ubuntu

This time last year, I posted a blog expressing my profound gratitude to all our staff for getting us through what was a tremendously demanding year. As I look back on this past school year, I continue to be truly grateful for how we have managed an even more challenging year than we anticipated.