McMillan Elementary Students Dance Their Way to Support Local SPCA
McMillan Elementary School demonstrated its commitment to fostering leadership and community spirit with a successful fundraising initiative organized by the school's Joy & Kindness Club. Over two lunch hours on March 12 and 13, students and staff came together for a spirited dance party, raising just over $800 for the local Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA).
The school saw its students exemplify the school's motto, "Ready to Lead," by engaging in this generous effort. The Joy & Kindness Club, a student-led group committed to spreading positivity and support within the school community, organized the event. They handed out glow bracelets and managed the lively gathering, which featured loud, funky music encouraging everyone to dance.
"It felt really good knowing that I'm helping the kids at school have fun and I am helping the animals at the SPCA," said Nevaeh, a member of the Joy & Kindness Club. Her peer, Ayva, added, "It was great seeing all the kids dance around with their glow bracelets. The music was loud and funky! The Joy & Kindness Club had so much fun planning and dancing too!"
The initiative concluded in a school assembly on May 3, where the students proudly presented a cheque for $808.70 to a representative from the local SPCA, alongside their school mascot, Silver the Husky. This donation will aid in the ongoing care and protection of animals.
“Seeing the joy on the students’ faces as they danced with their teachers and our mascot Silver, was incredible, said Suzi McClelland,” Vice Principal of McMillan Elementary. “Siblings were dancing together, classes were doing Conga line dances, and the ever-popular YMCA and Macarena dances were hits amongst students and staff alike. The amazing kindness of our community donating to the SPCA and the beautiful joy in the students' smiles brought the purpose of the club to fruition: joy and Kindness.”
This student-led event not only showcased the students' ability to lead and make a difference but also highlighted McMillan Elementary's deep commitment to fostering leadership qualities in its students. As the school community celebrates this success, it eagerly anticipates creating more opportunities for students to demonstrate their leadership and positively impact their community.