
These Days

November 17, 2021

Hello McMillan Families,

From my principal's chair in my principal's office, I have a lovely, sunshiney view, and today could feel like a very good day. But that is just the surface, and I am reminded of how everything is not always as it seems, as well as how quickly things can change.

Today the sun is shining and I am at work, but many others are not. They are dealing with the loss of their homes and livelihoods. I have a warm, dry house to go to, while many others are staying with friends and family, in hotels, and even in emergency shelters, wondering what has become of their life's work, their homes, and their animals.

My routines today have not been seriously impacted, but down on the Sumas prairie, farmers are desparately trying to save their animals and first responders are working to keep people safe from rising waters. Here in our own community, students are at home waiting for some remote instruction, parents are considering childcare arrangements for the coming days, or trying to find services to make repairs on their homes and teachers who are able to get to work are thinking about how to best support students in a last minute switch to online learning. 

The old adage about not presuming to know what another person might be dealing with seems very wise advice. I am also acutely aware of my blessings.

This is a very challenging time, indeed. Last night we all waited quite late into the evening to hear if school would be in session today. This morning teachers arrived to plan and prep for the rest of the week, facing the unexpected change with grace and determination. The mood here is sombre, but the "can do" attitude is evident, and it is safe to say that we are all highly motivated by our feelings of compassion for those members of our community who are are truly struggling. "Normal" is not expected these days, and we honestly feel that any stresses we might have teaching through another interruption to the school year is a very small thing. Planning in the face of the unknown is not as overwhelming as it might have been, because we are very aware of the situation that many others are currently facing. 

Thank you to our McMillan families, who today also responded to the change and "unknowns" calmly and with acceptance and a positive attitude. Your support makes all the difference as we make our way through the ups and downs of this school year. We are resilient because of each other. Working in this community is a joy. Thank you to the families that have reached out to offer support where it might be needed. How wonderful to know that a community surrounds us all, to support us in times of need. If this is your time of need, please reach out to the school or to your child's teacher and we will try to connect you with someone who can help. And thank you from us all for helping McMillan be the amazing place that it is.

Mrs. Jordan