September Updates
Greetings McMillan Families!
September is off to a great start! Students are busy in their classrooms, and teachers are working hard to get to know then all. As we head into many fun and memorable activities, there are a few items you should be aware of.
First off, after the staggered start and dismissal of last year, things are looking quite busy in the parking lots before and after school. The first bell rings at 8:25 this year and dismissal is 2:26. We encourage all parents to loop through the upper parking lot, and drop their student there. Students can then walk down the path to wait at their classroom door. Please do not leave your vehicle unattended in this loop! This creates a safety hazard by backing traffic up onto the road, and forcing students to exit their vehicles in the drive through lane. Please simply pull over, let your child out, then continue around the loop. Parents who wish to accompany their child to their classroom door need to find parking along the street, in an empty stall, or failing that come a minute or two after the first bell when things have started to clear out a bit. Instructional time begins at 8:30 so there is a bit of wiggle room.
Thank you to all of you for respecting the "No drop off" rule in our front parking lot. Things have been quite calm and safe there. One reminder; there is a handicap space that is needed as such. Please do not use this space for parking unless you are displaying a handicap card.
If you arrive after the second bell, and the school yard is looking empty and unsupervised, please do drop your child at the front door where they can enter and be accounted for before heading to class.
Please help us maintain safety by reminding your child to walk their bike or scooter once they are on the school grounds.
Dogs, even leashed, are not allowed on the school property.
Your attention to these few things is greatly appreciated!
I am slowly putting names to faces, and by the end of the month, staff will be providing you with a Meet the Teacher slideshow to introduce themselves to you. In advance of that, I would like to mention that there are several new staff on board this year. Besides myself, Mrs. Anita Heita is our new VP, and half time grade 5 teacher. Her teaching partner in grade 5 is Mr. Ryan Warkentin. Mr. Warkentin also teaches some of the PE program. We also have Ms. Kaitlynn Whitbread working in our Library Learning Commons. Finally Mrs. Rugia Penner will be team teaching With Mrs. Grant in grade 2. A warm welcome to these new staff members!
Please know that you may connect with your teacher any time. Our staff configuration, with email addresses can be found here: McMillan Staff You are also welcome to call the school at any time to leave a message for a staff member.
Please take a moment to explore our website. This is your best source of school information. We will keep it updated with coming events, news items and announcements. See the monthly calendar here: Calendar
Thank you for your support!
Mrs. Christine Jordan